Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Helps the body convert carbohydrates and fat into energy; essential for normal growth and development; helps to maintain proper functioning of the heart and the nervous and digestive systems Green peas, spinach, liver, beef, pork, navy beans, pinto beans, soybeans, nuts, bananas, whole grain and enriched cereals, and breads 1.4 mg/day
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Required by the body for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins; helps with cellular processes Asparagus, okra, chard, almonds, leafy greens, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, meat, eggs, and fish 1.2 mg/day
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Necessary for energy metabolism in cells; DNA repair; produces several sex and stress-related hormones that are produced by the adrenal gland; helps remove toxins and chemicals from the body Chicken, beef, tuna, salmon, milk, eggs, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, dates, sweet potatoes, asparagus, avocados, nuts, whole grains, beans, mushrooms, nutritional yeast 14 mg/day
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) Required to sustain life; is critical in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins Whole grain cereals, beans, eggs, meat, some energy drinks 5 mg/day
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine and Pyridoxamine) Help enzymes do their job in the body; helps the nervous and immune systems function properly; necessary for overall good health Nuts, liver, chicken, fish, green beans, salad greens, wheat germ, nutritional yeast, sea vegetables, and bananas 1.3 mg/day
Vitamin B7 (Biotin or Vitamin H) Used in cell growth; the production of fatty acid; metabolism of fat; plays a role in the Krebs Cycle in which energy is released from food; helps with the transfer of carbon dioxide; helps maintain a steady blood sugar level; found in many cosmetic products to help with your skin and hair Beans, nutritional yeast, cauliflower, chocolate, egg yolks, fish, liver, meat, molasses, dairy products, nuts, oatmeal, oysters, peanut butter, bananas, soy products, mushrooms, wheat germ, and whole grains 30 mcg/day mermaid trumpet prom collections in red or ruby
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) Helps the body make healthy new cells; taken before and during pregnancy can help prevent major birth defects of the baby's brain and spine Leafy greens such as spinach, dried beans and peas, sunflower seeds, oranges, asparagus, broccoli, liver, enriched cereal 400 mcg/day
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells, the maintenance of the nervous system, and the growth and development of children Animal products such as meat, eggs, dairy products, nutritional yeast, and fortified cereals 6 mcg/day