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Well I'm back from taking Melody Dawn and Robin Leeann to the hospital to be with lil Chevy Jeremiah Simpson . I am so grateful to those who have prayed for him and their sweet family (without judgement). He was pretty seriously burned tonight over 13% of his body, first, second and some third degree burns mostly on his back and neck. He is such a sweet energetic lil boy.
Please continue to pray for the family in the coming days ahead .He will see the surgeon this morning and be put to sleep so they can asess the extent of his injuries and debris his wounds. The surgeon said that most burn patients get worse in the days ahead but I AM REBUKING that in the name of JESUS. I have prayed for God to plant a hedge of protection and healing over this baby and this family. I am also praying that People will not judge this family (as some do).... This was an ACCIDENT caused by another child (that is 3 years old). He is so sorry for what has happened and he loves this brother very much. dresses for second wedding
I am praying very hard for you all Chevy, Melody, beano, RobinandTyler Simpson , Joey Simpson , Heather Dawne Holt , Frost Holt , Kelsey Simpson . # GODS_GOT_THIS